Bring the joy and peace back into your home.

Play-Based Counseling for Children Ages 3-14 in the Inland Empire

Appointments Available Immediately

In-Person Sessions IN Pomona, CA

Support for ADHD, Autism, OCD and Disabilities

Don’t know what to do next to help your child?

When we first become parents, many of us expect a story that is full of love and connection as we raise happy and healthy kids.  

The problem is that sometimes the story doesn’t always go as we planned. Our kids' behavior issues make us feel burnt out, hopeless, alone, or full of guilt about how we’re responding to the situation.

At Head & Heart Family Therapy, we believe your child is too important to let behavior issues and communication challenges come between you and your child disrupt the peace in your home.  We use a proven play-based therapy process that’s helped dozens of families here in the Inland Empire start living a story of more calm, peace, and connection with their children. 

There is good news - you don’t have to face this journey alone.

We team up with parents and provide supportive play therapy that addresses behavior issues and helps families grow closer.

Why Parents Love Working With Us

Support Both Children + Parents

As the saying goes, “it takes two to tango” which holds true in the relationship with your child.  That’s why we provide guidance for both children and their parents through one-on-one sessions with your child, sessions with both of you, as well as parent-only consultation sessions.

Neurodivergence, Disability + Autism Trained

Learning how to navigate a world that is not always adaptable for your child can be filled with challenges and uncertainties. Our play therapy sessions work well with children who struggle with little to no engagement or who are non-verbal.

Play-Based Treatment

Play Therapy isn’t just play, it’s communication. Developmentally, children do not have the ability to be rational like adults, so naturally, play is their first language. I strategically help children express what is troubling them when they do not have the verbal language to express their thoughts and feelings.

Child-Centered Approach

An adaptive and affirming play therapy approach for children of all abilities. Our play therapy sessions create opportunities for adaptive play times to improve connection and relationship development. This approach will be taught to parents to implement in their homes.

girl playing with blocks
childrens sensory toys
child doing play therapy

Schedule Your Child’s First Session Today

Hi, I’m Jenna.


Jenna is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California who has over a decade of experience helping support people's mental health. Jenna started her journey as a therapist with children working with in Head Start pre-schools across San Bernardino County. Jenna is trained in Child-Centered Play Therapy, a play therapy framework designed to address the mental health needs of all children of all abilities, and has completed intensive training to become a Certified Play Therapy Professional.

As a parent of two children, Jenna understands firsthand the challenges of parenting and enjoys being humbled by her own parenting problem-solving. Jenna’s biggest passion is helping empower children to find their own greatness and helping parents find their superpowers, too.

therapist jenna hardy-surina
cal play therapy logo

Our Child Counseling Services

Children Ages 3-14 • Sessions are only available in person at our office in Pomona, CA

Play Counseling

$150/Session | 45-minutes

A 45-minute session where a certified therapist works one-on-one with your child (age 3-14). Give your child the opportunity to deal with their fears and resolve psychosocial difficulties in a calm, safe, and nurturing environment. 

Every 5 weeks, there is a FREE parent meeting to review your child’s progress and answer your questions.

Child-Parent Program

$200/Week | 10 Weeks

CPRT is a 10-week evidence-based family therapy program designed to change the dynamic of your relationship with your child and heal your bond.  Meet individually with Jenna once a week for 1.5 - 2 hours and have videos of you playing with your child reviewed to identify the unhelpful patterns so you can build new ones. This proven system will strengthen your bond, improve behavior outcomes between you and your child and reduce stress in your home.

Play Sessions

$200/Session | 45-minutes

Play therapy sessions specifically designed to meet the needs of siblings who need help in working on their relationship and/or healing through life's difficulties together. Group play is offered to families who would like to team up with another family to allow both their children to access this important therapy at a reduced cost


I accept Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP). If you have a PPO plan, I can offer you a Superbill to be partially reimbursed by your insurance for therapy sessions.

It’s Time to Start a new chapter with your child

Schedule your first appointment with us today.

Play Therapy sounds nice - but does it actually work?

Research articles demonstrating CCPT/CPRT effectiveness with different groups of children

Why CBT Does Not Work For Children

Judy Garber, Sarah A. Frankel, and Catherine G. Herrington
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Why Play Therapy Works For ASD

Kim-Lui Raise Chan and Guang Ouyang
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Effectiveness of Child-Parent Relational Therapy on Improving Behavior Problems

Shahla Alizadeh, Mansor Abu Talib, Rohani Abdullah, and Mariani Mansor
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